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Staring at the map, wondering where to go.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Face to Face with Me

Day two!  There’s nothing more intimidating than facing one’s self.  I’m pretty sure my expectations of me will always be higher than everyone else’s.  In fact, I think that’s the leading cause behind self-doubt.  Obviously we want to please those around us- our parents, bosses, pets, children.  It would seem that every person we meet expects a certain level of intelligence, or compassion, or common sense.  In the end the only person we come home to is ourselves.  And it’s at home, in the dark that we ponder all of our personal flaws that we’ve displayed for the day.  “I had no solution to that problem at work.”  “I forgot to say ‘Have a nice day’ to that clerk.”  “I should have held the door for that lady.”  I should have let that car go in front of me.”  Lost patience, lost opportunity, failed plans are all things that we beat ourselves down about.  It may be the case that your boss noticed that there was an error in your report to them, but I can guarantee you that they aren’t at home at night thinking about that blip on their radar.  They are tossing in bed rehearsing what they are going to say at the board meeting, and thinking about how they should’ve made it to their kids ball game.

In Buddhist practice, you hear a lot about compassion.  I see people struggle with having compassion on a daily basis.  Someone steals a pen from their desk.  An employee is late coming in to work.  Their kids managed to make a mess of the kitchen.  At some point they will be so wrapped up in their day that all of that will fall away and they will move forward.  But showing compassion for ourselves is something that we save for those wee hours of the night, those quiet moments when our minds can quiet the chaos of the day.  That’s a tough thing to deal with while meditating.  Even just sitting down brings a panic as I think how poorly my mind will focus. 

But meditation should be more than trying to accomplish focus.  It should just be what it is.  Sitting.  You sit.  And when you are done, you stop sitting.  I did that today.  I think that it is good that I sat.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Simply Step

I start at a cross-roads, stepping forward on a journey to find my life.  Suspecting at this point that I will not only not find my life, but find that there is no me.  I am afraid to step forward away from the routine and the comfort that the processes and habits in my life provide.  I go to work.  I tell myself that what I do makes a difference, that I am a hero affecting change.  But that’s not the truth. 
The trouble is that I once felt that I had some grasp at the “truth”, when I was young and unattached to anything.  So today I started my meditation, forcing myself to step, although not necessarily forward.  How can you step forward when you don’t even know what direction you face?  Simply step. 
My meditating mind today was drawn always back into the ease of distraction.  The illusion of meaning in my life comes from my job and my relationships, and my creativity.  But all of that is just an easier focus, than being pointedly focused on my breath and the moment, and the realness of what that brings. 
My body seems used to panic.  While I claim that the stress and chaos and challenges in my life are unwanted, I am conditioned to reach for that familiarity.  It’s warm and distracting.  Like a dog who drops his toy momentarily to look at a bunny in motion, and then forgets that it ever had or wanted the toy, so does my mind behave.  Perhaps if a quick moment of panic over a day’s imperfection can distract the mind, it will forget that it wanted the release that comes from the hard work of staying in the moment.  Yes, my devious mind is indeed my worst enemy.
I’m left wondering what, in the current state in my mind, does not want to be discovered.  What truth is to be found that leads my puppy dog mind to distract, ever so briefly, the course that I travel while meditating?  Will I eventually see that discovery revealed?  If so, where will that leave me?  Will I understand where I am and what direction I am going in?  Time will tell, and with any luck my postings will become clearer, happier and more interesting.